I prayed for this

Prayed for 9 times.

James Mounce

My job contract has come to an end. To stay with my company I will be transferred out of state and demoted with a significant pay reduction as no managerial positions are open.

I pray for wisdom in discerning what to do next and the courage to follow God's lead. I do not want to move again, accept a demotion and a pay cut but do not have another option in the table. I have sought opportunities for a month and had both discussions and interviews but no offer that will provide as well as what I have now.

I ask God to open my eyes to the best opportunity and best place for me to be in His plan. I am 62 years old so I hope to find my next job to be my last. Not ready to retire, I have a few years left, am physically strong, mentally sharp and passionate to mentor. God always provides. I seek His guidance.

Received: August 23, 2024

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